Modelling aid for the Reference Architectural Model Industry 4.0

The simulation of large-scale industrial systems can exhibit unwanted behaviors before their actual implementation. That is why we created a research project trying to utilize the Smart Grid Co-Simulation framework “Mosaik” for simulation of industrial systems, which have been modeled with the RAMI Toolbox.
A Use Case considering the modular production of vehicles indicates first successful results of this method. The system architecture of the case study can be found under the following link:
The Python Code is freely available for your own usage. Feel free to adapt it to your interests or just execute it to comprehend the results. To reproduce the scenario at your own computer, consider the following steps:
- Install Mosaik from the official webiste
- Download the python project from the following Link
- Extract and load the project folder to your Mosaik environment
- Additionally install pandas with > pip install pandas
- Start Mosaik in the environment by using > python scenario.py config.json
- Analyze the simulation results in the corresponding csv-files within this folder