Modelling aid for the Reference Architectural Model Industry 4.0

The RAMI Toolbox deals with the complexity that comes up with Industrie 4.0. Implemented as extension for the modeling tool “Enterprise Architect” from Sparx Systems it provides a framework for modelling an architecture based on cyber physical systems.
Building on the success that comes with the SGAM-Toolbox we started creating a new concept for Industrie 4.0 in 2016. Currently the first launch of the toolbox is available which includes some adaptations and improvements.
The toolbox is based on the “Model Driven Generation” technology provided by Enterprise Architect where the results are stored in a XML-based file. The language of choice is C# which allows to make use of all functionalities that come with it.
The next step is to improve the toolbox according to usability and scope of functions. To achieve this, the toolbox is under continuous processing and integration of suggestions from constant exchange with the community.