Modelling aid for the Generic Smart City Architecture Model

The Generic Smart City Architecture Model (GSCAM) Toolbox aims to provide some support for architecting Smart City Systems in reference to the emerging standard Smart City Reference Architecture Methodology (SCRAM), as being currently developed by the International Electrotechnical Comission (IEC 63188). It is implemented as extension for the modeling tool “Enterprise Architect” from Sparx Systems.
Consolidating our research advances in the area of Domain Specific Systems Engineering with recent standardization efforts, the current version of the GSCAM Toolbox provides the first structural part of the overall planned architecture framework. While the currently available functionality of the toolbox is still limited, we intent on providing regular updates to the implemented Smart City Domain Specific Language and framework functionality here.
The toolbox is based on the “Model Driven Generation” technology provided by EA where the results are stored in a XML-based file. The language of choice is C# which allows to make use of all functionalities that come with it.
The next steps are to provide support for the development process, include model generation and transformation functionality and provide support for tool-chain integration, while still maintaining alignment to updates of the SCRAM standard. To achieve this, the toolbox is under continuous processing and integration of suggestions from constant exchange with the community.